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Rams surpassed goals in winning tennis season

By Tanvi Ravilla ‘24

The W+H boys’ tennis team won the Team GPA award at Rams Recognition Night.

As the school year comes to a bittersweet end, so do the great moments of The Wardlaw + Hartridge boys’ tennis team, which finished their season strong with a 14-4 record. With the support of head coach Ron Haynes, the team was able to win many matches this year and all of the team members surpassed a number of personal goals. The entire team played fantastically as they saw a record number of wins and found victory and growth in losses as well, being able to quickly bounce back after difficult matches.

First singles player and captain Nidhin Kumar ‘24 explained the importance and the team’s ability of pursuing through challenging matches as he described the match between W+H and Edison High School. He said that the game was demanding as there were new players on the opposing team, and even though the W+H team found difficulty, they played well and found confidence in their abilities as a team to overcome these obstacles.

With the season coming to a close, the team also looks forward to meeting new players for next year and are especially excited to motivate young freshmen joining the team through team spirit and bonding. The W+H boys’ tennis team also encourages other Upper School students to join the tennis team and to be a part of their journey in achieving wins across the district. The new year always brings delightful and gratifying changes, but next year’s season is especially promising for the Rams, who return their entire singles lineup with Nidhin Kumar ‘24, Jai Maurya ‘25 and Richard Zhang ‘26.

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